여러분은 아파트에 살고 계신가요? 아니면 주택에 살고 계신가요?
한국아파트에 대해서 여러분들이 외국인 앞에서 말하거나, PT를 할 기회가 있을 수 있을 것 같은데요.
이 글이 참고가 되었으면 좋겠습니다. ^^
왜 한국사람들은 아파트에 사는 것을 선호할까?
Why do Koreans prefer living in apartments?

I was working for the company that supplies apartments. I was in charge of making new floor units and I was literally wondering why people prefer living in apartments rather than houses.
Have you ever thought of this?
저는 아파트를 공급하는 회사에서 일하고 있었습니다. 나는 유닛플랜을 만드는 일을 담당했는데 왜 사람들이 주택보다 아파트에 사는 것을 선호하는지 정말 궁금했습니다.
이런 생각을 해본 적 있나요?

This pink house on the left is my home now and this apartment on the right is the one that I lived in before. I lived on the 22 floor. Which of the two would you rather live in?
왼쪽에 있는 핑크색 집이 지금 제가 사는 집이고, 오른쪽에 있는 이 아파트가 제가 예전에 살던 집이에요. 저는 22층에 살았습니다. 둘 중 어느 곳에 살고 싶나요?

When it comes to the Housing supply rate in South Korea, the apartment ratio has increased by 20% over the past 20 years which shows us how much Koreans want to live in apartments.
한국의 주택보급률을 보면 지난 20년 동안 아파트 비율이 20%나 증가해 한국인들이 얼마나 아파트에 살고 싶어 하는지 알 수 있다.

It could be related to the population density. If you compare it with major cities in other countries, you can see that population density in South Korea is 16,000 people per km2(square km), which is considerably higher than other major cities.
인구밀도와 관련이 있을 수도 있습니다. 다른 나라의 주요 도시와 비교해 보면, 우리나라의 인구밀도는 km2(제곱킬로미터)당 16,000명으로 다른 주요 도시에 비해 상당히 높은 것을 알 수 있습니다.

Even when compared to the big city of London, You can see how densely populated Seoul is. I think that's one of the main reasons why the number of apartments is increasing.
More people are flocking to the big city of Seoul due to jobs, hospitals, convenience facilities, etc.
대도시 런던과 비교해도 서울이 얼마나 인구밀도가 높은지 알 수 있다. 아파트가 늘어나는 가장 큰 이유 중 하나가 아닐까 싶습니다.
일자리, 병원, 편의시설 등으로 인해 대도시인 서울로 몰려드는 사람들이 늘어나고 있습니다.

To understand a Korean's preference for apartments, I would like to talk about the pros and cons of living in an apartment. First I'd like to mention the amenities such as an underground parking lot, a park-like complex, and various auxiliary facilities.
한국인의 아파트 선호를 이해하기 위해 아파트 생활의 장점과 단점에 대해 이야기해 볼까 합니다. 먼저 지하주차장, 공원형 단지, 각종 부대시설 등 편의시설을 말씀드리고 싶습니다.

As you can see on the screen, you can enjoy the golf and work out at the gym. Recently, there are indoor and outdoor swimming pools within the complex.
화면에서 보시는 바와 같이 골프를 즐기며 헬스장에서 운동도 할 수 있습니다. 최근에는 단지 내에 실내외 수영장도 들어서고 있다.

And there are no parking spaces on the ground level, which enhances the landscaping and allows the ground level to be used like a park. These things make residents not have to go out. Moreover, these facilities are being advanced to suit the convenience of residents amid competition among construction companies.
그리고 지상층에는 주차공간이 없어 조경미가 뛰어나고 지상층을 공원처럼 활용할 수 있습니다. 이로 인해 주민들은 밖에 나갈 필요가 없습니다. 더욱이 이러한 시설은 건설사 간 경쟁 속에서도 주민 편의에 맞춰 고도화되고 있다.

Second, I would say "location". As urban planning is centered around apartments, transportation and other conveniences are better. This place is where I lived. It is a really good place to send my kids to the school and to go for a walk and enjoy a meal in a variety of restaurants.
둘째, "위치"라고 말하고 싶습니다. 도시계획이 아파트 중심으로 이루어지면서 교통 등 편의성이 좋아졌습니다. 이곳은 내가 살았던 곳이다. 아이들을 학교에 보내고, 산책도 하고, 다양한 레스토랑에서 식사를 즐기기에도 정말 좋은 곳이에요.

I have a plan to run regularly at this park when I go back to South Korea. Isn't it look good to run even at night?
나는 한국에 돌아가면 이 공원에서 정기적으로 달리기를 할 계획이 있다. 밤에도 달리기 참 좋지 않나요?

Third, Selling a house is easy. When moving for various reasons, it is easy to buy or sell a house and understand the market price of the apartment.
셋째, 집을 파는 것은 쉽습니다. 다양한 이유로 이사를 할 때 집을 사고팔고, 아파트 시세를 파악하기가 쉽습니다.

Fourth, There is no need to worry about repairing a house. Of course, you have to pay a monthly maintenance fee, but it is a reasonable cost and has the advantage of you not having to worry about it.
넷째, 집수리 걱정이 없습니다. 물론 매달 관리비를 내야 하지만 합리적인 비용이고 걱정할 필요가 없다는 장점이 있습니다.

Now let me talk about the disadvantages of apartments. The biggest drawback is the conflict between neighbors. Disputes due to noise are constantly occurring. Especially people who have young kids are more concerned and sensitive.
이제 아파트의 단점에 대해 말씀드리겠습니다. 가장 큰 단점은 이웃 간의 갈등이다. 소음으로 인한 분쟁은 지속적으로 발생하고 있습니다. 특히 어린 자녀를 둔 사람들은 더욱 걱정이 많고 예민합니다.

People are usually reluctant to go outside because it takes time to get to the ground. if you take the elevator with a delivery person, it will take much more time! Apartments make peopla lazy.
땅에 닿는 데 시간이 걸리기 때문에 사람들은 대개 밖으로 나가는 것을 꺼립니다. 배달원과 함께 엘리베이터를 타면 시간이 훨씬 더 걸립니다! 아파트는 사람들을 게으르게 만듭니다.

The space is stuffy. Average floor height is about 2.3m, so people who lived in houses may feel a bit trapped when they move to an apartment.
공간이 답답해요. 평균 층고가 2.3m 정도라 주택에 살던 분들이 아파트로 이사 갈 때 다소 답답함을 느낄 수도 있습니다.

There's no gardens you can make. It's such a shame for people who like the nature and gardening. As we get older, gardening feels like life's great friend. Feeling the sunlight and the wind in the yard make hamans feel alive.
당신이 만들 수 있는 정원은 없습니다. 자연과 정원 가꾸기를 좋아하는 사람들에게는 정말 부끄러운 일입니다. 나이가 들수록 정원 가꾸기는 인생의 좋은 친구처럼 느껴집니다. 마당에서 햇빛과 바람을 느끼면 하만이 살아있음을 느끼게 된다.

There are many advantages and disadvantages, but most people seem to feel that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
They consider using convenience facilities nearby and not having to worry too much about their home more important than disadvantages such as noise between floors.
장점과 단점이 많지만 대부분의 사람들은 단점보다 장점이 더 크다고 느끼는 것 같습니다.
이들은 층간소음 등의 단점보다 집 근처의 편의시설을 이용하는 것과 집에 대해 너무 걱정하지 않는 것을 더 중요하게 생각한다.

Although the preferences are quite different from Canada, I thought that if large-scale apartments like those in Korea are introduced to Canada, they will be popular in cities such as Toronto and Vancouver.
캐나다와는 선호도가 많이 다르지만, 한국과 같은 대규모 아파트가 캐나다에 도입된다면 토론토나 밴쿠버 등의 도시에서도 인기를 끌 것이라고 생각했습니다.
Do you want to know more about Korean apartments?
한국 아파트에 대해 더 알고 싶으세요?
(위의 프리젠이션을 아래와 같이 조금 더 매끄럽게 바꾸어봤습니다. )
"Have you ever wondered why South Koreans prefer living in apartments over houses? It's a question that's crossed my mind, especially considering my work in the apartment supply industry.
The pink house you see on the left is my current home, while the apartment on the right was my previous residence located on the 22nd floor. If you had the choice, which of these two options would you prefer?
The housing supply rate in South Korea has seen a 20% increase in apartment ratios over the past two decades, indicating a significant preference for apartment living among Koreans.
This inclination might be tied to population density. You can see that population density in South Korea is 16,000 people per square kilometer, which is considerably higher than other major cities worldwide.
Even when compared with bustling cities like London, You can see how densely populated Seoul is. I think that's one of the main reasons the number of apartments is increasing.
More people are still flocking to Seoul for job opportunities, medical facilities, and overall convenience. etc.
To understand why Koreans lean toward apartments, I would like to talk about the pros and cons of living in an apartment. The number of large-scale apartment complexes, such as the one displayed on the screen, is on the rise, each comprising over 1,000 households, accompanied by continual improvements in facilities.
First, the amenities are worth mentioning—underground parking, park-like complexes, and various auxiliary facilities
As you can see on the screen, you can enjoy the golf and work out at the gym. and recently added indoor and outdoor swimming pools within the complexes.
And there are no parking spaces on the ground level, which enhances landscaping and creates a park-like atmosphere, These things make residents(레지던스) not have to go out. Moreover, these facilities are being advanced to suit the convenience of residents amid(어미드) competition among construction companies.
Secondly, the location plays a crucial role. Urban planning centered around apartments ensures better transportation and convenience. This place is where I lived. It is a really good place to send my kids to the school and to go for a walk and enjoy a meal in a variety of restaurants.
I'm even planning to start running regularly at that park when I return to South Korea. Isn't it look good to run even at night?
Third, Selling and buying apartments is relatively easy, offering a clear market price and smooth transactions, which adds to their appeal.
Fourth, There is no need to worry about repairing a house. Of course, you have to pay a monthly maintenance fee, but it is a reasonable cost and has the advantage of you not having to worry about it.
Now let me talk about the disadvantages of apartments. The biggest drawback is the conflict between neighbors. Disputes due to noise are constantly occurring. Especially people who have young kids are more concerned and sensitive.
The time it takes to reach ground level via elevators, particularly when sharing it with delivery personnel, can deter people from going outside, fostering a sense of laziness.
The space is stuffy. Average floor height is about 2.3m, so people who lived in houses may feel a bit trapped when they move to an apartment.
The limited space and absence of personal gardens also pose challenges, especially for nature lovers and gardening enthusiasts.[ ɪn|θuːziæst ] Gardening often becomes a cherished activity as people age, and the absence of a yard can feel restricting.
There are many advantages and disadvantages, but most people seem to feel that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
They consider using convenience facilities nearby and not having to worry too much about their home more important than disadvantages such as noise between floors.
The preferences in South Korea might differ from those in Canada, but I believe that large-scale apartments like those in Korea could gain popularity in cities like Toronto and Vancouver if introduced.
Do you want to know more about Korean apartments? Feel free to subscribe to my channel for further insights!"
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